Angela is a Colombian architect, 3D, and AI artist living and working in England. She heard about NFTs when Beeple had his painting sell for $69 million in 2021. 

This made her revisit her old work and create new work to turn into NFTs. She joined discord and started learning more and more about crypto and NFTs. She got her work listed on Foundation, and her journey as an NFT was launched.

She is inspired to create by looking at different artists, and different art, listening to Spaces, travel, history, colors, techniques, and basically just about anything and everything. She doesn’t try to recreate a particular place so much as to recreate the feeling of a specific place. “Memories fade, and lose their details, but the feeling stays with you.”

Exploring the ruins

This led us to discuss her piece called Monograma 33, which was inspired by her memories of her grandmother’s home. The image is mostly in pink hues, with a traditional Colombian hammock hanging on its side. This warmth exudes from the NFT, but it might be a challenge to get into the hammock. Which plays on how memories get interpreted.

The strongest influence on her work is basically everything and anything. She likes to absorb her surroundings, and all types of art and architecture are influential for her.

I wondered if being an NFT artist has created a new revenue stream for her. She said yes, in the NFT boom of 2021, but not so much in 2022. But she is using this time to experiment with different techniques, go to IRL events, and create more art.

She is experimenting with AI and 3D to create these otherworldly environments. She starts in AI and finishes with 3D. This allows her to create more, and to stretch her imagination into worlds with zero restrictions.

Pink Hallway

I asked about her network for support and inspiration, and she quickly rattled off a number of communities that have helped her along the way. They are: @NFTGoddessess, @MetaverseQueens, @MONOGRAMA_NFT and @ETHMovie. She said these are communities that have helped her learning process, plus inspires her to create more and more NFTs.

Her favorite artists are too many to name, but she admires @AnaIsabel_Photo, who started the NFTGoddessess community.

Her favorite color is blue.

If she could change 1 thing in the NFT ecosystem it would be to get rid of all the bad actors. And to have a more honest space for collectors and artists to discuss NFTs.

She is currently working on some Metaverse architecture, more of her Ramen series, and a collection on traveling.

Listen to the full podcast here!

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